Multiply output wavelength: 1342, 671, 447 and 224nm industrial picosecond laser
The ultrafast industrial laser operating at 1342nm wavelength ensures the average output power of 10W at 300 kHz repetition rate. The prototype is based on composite Nd:YVO4 crystal with diffusion-bonded segments of multiple Nd doping concentration. Laser output power is converted to 671, 447 and 224nm wavelength.
Technical parameters:
300 kHz repetition rate 10ps output pulses at 1342, 671, 447 and 224 nm with automatic wavelength and repetition frequency selection based on a stepper motor. Average output power: 10 W @ 1342 nm, 6 W @ 671 nm, 4 W @ 447 nm, and 1 W @ 224 nm.
The technology of composite alternating doping of active laser rod is characterized by exceptional beam quality despite the high thermal distortion caused by the quantum defect.
Posible applications:
Materials processing, microelectronics, solar cell manufacturing, medicine, defense applications.
Tunable pulsewidth: 3ps – 600fs hybrid fiber / solid-state laser layout
Bonded on a heatsink low doping level and small aperture Yb:YAG rod technology was developed for high average output power and energy chirped pulse amplifiers (CPA). Pumped by high brightness laser diodes, 2-pass CPA ensures small signal gain of 42dB, the average output power of 47W and compressed pulse width of 600 fs.
Technical parameters:
Seed gain: 42dB; average amplified output power: 47W; amplified pulse energy: up to 3.5mJ; beam quality: M2 ~ 1.1; compressed pulse duration: 600fs. Built-in amplifier assembly technology is characterized by lower cost, the simplicity of assembly and adjustment compared to thin disk and crystalline fiber systems, and can work at higher energies.
Posible applications:
Materials processing, microelectronics, microscopy, biology, medicine.
The prototype of nonlinear crystal oven with a temperature gradient for enhancement of harmonics conversion efficiency in the deep-UV wavelength range
A developed crystal oven provides PC-controlled longitudinal temperature gradient to significantly improve the harmonics conversion efficiency in the deep-UV range.
Technical parameters:
Output wavelength range: 355-192 nm. Typical wavelength conversion using a prototype of a nonlinear crystal oven: 40%.
Posible applications:
Materials processing, photolithography, microelectronics, microscopy, biology, medicine.