In the Fiber Laser Laboratory, high-pulse energy fiber amplifier setups and ultra-short pulse fiber oscillators are being studied in order to develop new fiber laser technologies. Research is being carried out in the following directions:
- Investigations of fundamental phenomena limiting the maximum output powers of fiber lasers and amplifiers;
- Spectroscopically limited and high energy pulse fiber amplifiers using large mode area ytterbium-doped fibers;
- Broadband fiber laser radiation to higher optical harmonics;
- Development and research of innovative combination of fiber laser radiation (coherent, non-coherent and nonlinear);
- Femtosecond and picosecond fibrous oscillators;
Together with scientific research, technological research is being carried out to create short pulses and high-power fully monolithic fiber optic laser systems suitable for commercial applications. For this purpose, fiber laser components are constructed, they are welded with fibers, fiber components and fibers are respectively packed and tested. Characteristics of the fiber laser system, stability and resistance to environmental impact (temperature variation, vibration) are investgated.