ICPEPA 11 Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues & Friends,
ICPEPA 11 – The 11th International Conference on Photo-Exited Processes and Applications will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 10-14 September 2018. About 250 leading researchers in the fields and industry representatives are expected to participate.
We would like to encourage you to submit your one page abstract to ICPEPA 11 either for an Oral or Poster Presentation. The final due date for the submission of abstracts is 14 May 2018.
If you intend to submit, please use the ICPEPA 11 Abstract Template which can be downloaded here: http://icpepa11.com/abstract
Abstracts must be submitted on-line at http://icpepa11.com/abstract
More detailed information on this conference is available at: http://icpepa11.com/
We are looking forward to seeing you in Vilnius.
Kind regards,
Chairman of ICPEPA 11
Gediminas Raciukaitis
Head of Department of Laser Technologies
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
Savanoriu Ave. 231
LT-02300 Vilnius
ph. +370-5-2644868
mob. ph. +370-687-25672
ICPEPA 11 Secretariat