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Dr. G. Račiukaitis receives the St. Christopher’s Award for merits in science!

On the eve of the 702nd birthday of the capital of Lithuania, ten Vilnius citizens who have distinguished themselves with their work and achievements over the last year were honoured at the St. Christopher’s Awards at the Town Hall. They were nominated by other Vilnius residents for their outstanding mark on the city’s history, their inspiring achievements and their promotion of the city’s name.
We are delighted that one of the winners is Dr. Gediminas Račiukaitis, Head of the FTMC Department of Laser Technologies and President of the Lithuanian Laser Association! He was awarded in the category “For Merits in Science”.
We sincerely congratulate our colleague and wish him every success!
Dr. G. Račiukaitis has been working in the field of laser technologies for more than 20 years. He has published about 200 scientific papers, holds 17 patents in Lithuania and is co-author abroad.
In 2020, the physicist, together with his colleagues Dr. Mindaugas Gedvilas and Dr. Paulius Gečys, was awarded the Lithuanian Science Prize for the cycle of works “Interaction of Ultrashort Laser Pulses with Material and its Application in Laser Micromachining” (2005-2019).
The winner of the St. Christopher’s Award, G. Račiukaitis stands out in the world of science for his enthusiasm, energy and excellent ability to attract the attention of talented young scientists, business and international partners. The FTMC Department of Laser Technologies is the largest in the Center and its scientists are highly regarded worldwide.
Dr. Gediminas Račiukaitis and the Mayor of Vilnius Valdas Benkunskas. Photo: Saulius Žiūra / Vilnius City Municipality